
English > Macrophyte Services |
 Foto © 2005 Klaus van de Weyer Macrophyte Training Course
Training Courses
From 2000 lanaplan has offered training courses on macrophyte ecology and identification. During the training courses participants learn and practise macrophyte survey methods in the field according to accredited standards (CEN EN 14184 – “Water quality – Guidance standard for the surveying of aquatic macrophytes in running waters” and CEN EN 15460 – “Water quality - Guidance standard for the surveying of macrophytes in lakes”). Macrophyte identification is taught and practised directly in the field as well as in the laboratory. The assessment of macrophytes according to the Habitats Directive or the Water Frame Work Directive is part of the training courses. |
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Macrophyte Training Course |
Macrophyte Surveys using Scuba-Diving
We offer scuba-diving macrophyte surveys in lakes and rivers according to CEN EN 14184 and CEN EN 15460 standards. For monitoring purposes we also perform other techniques including line transect surveys of vegetation zones (VAN DE WEYER 2007) and the compilation of underwater vegetation maps (VAN DE WEYER et al. 2007). Within the research project on the mass development of Elodea species in the River Ruhr reservoirs we designed a method which also includes the height of the macrophyte species present (PODRAZA & VAN DE WEYER, in press). |
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Macrophyte Survey using Scuba-Diving |
Information On Macrophytes In Germany
We provide free information on macrophytes in Germany; including a checklist of alien freshwater macrophytes, information about Potamogeton hybrids and information about macrophyte growth forms. The identification key of all aquatic macrophytes in Germany (http://www.lanaplan.de/public/index/rubrik/Ver%F6ffentlichungen_sonder/artikel/Bestimmungsschluessel%20f%FCr%20die%20aquatischen%20Makrophyten%20in%20Deutschland), comprises all native and alien macrophyte species within Germany.
WEYER, K. VAN DE, SCHMIDT, C. 2011a: Bestimmungsschlüssel für die aquatischen Makrophyten (Gefäßpflanzen, Armleuchteralgen und Moose) in Deutschland: Band 1: Bestimmungsschlüssel. Fachbeiträge des LUGV Brandenburg 119: 164 S. Herausgeber: Landesamt für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz (LUGV) Brandenburg, Potsdam
WEYER, K. VAN DE, SCHMIDT, C. 2011b: Bestimmungsschlüssel für die aquatischen Makrophyten (Gefäßpflanzen, Armleuchteralgen und Moose) in Deutschland: Band 2: Abbildungen. Fachbeiträge des LUGV Brandenburg 120: 375 S. Herausgeber: Landesamt für Umwelt, Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz (LUGV) Brandenburg, Potsdam
Band 1 (field guide, 337 drawings, 407 photos): 10 €,
Band 2 (figures of 350 taxa with 1324 drawings and 1227 photos): 20 €
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Hygrophila polysperma Foto © 2007 Klaus van de Weyer |